DECIANCIO Melisa Andrea
congresos y reuniones científicas
Global IR: a contribution about Latin America
Congreso; International Studies Association Annual Convention; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Emerging powers like China, India and Brazil are receiving growing attention in International Relations (IR) discourse. This panel starts from the puzzle that while emerging powers and regions receive growing attention as objects in IR, scholars from these emerging powers are rarely present as subjects in IR. The panel asks both whether there is a drive towards ´indigenous´ theorizing in the case of these so-called emerging powers ? but also how these theories then look and particularly how they address the question of peaceful change in world politics. Following an initiative to gather senior scholars with a diverse background to debate similar issues in a Presidential Round Table in Baltimore 2017, this panel intends to provide young voices -recent PhDs or PhD candidates- with voice and opportunity to have their work on such a burning theme discussed by senior scholars who will be present in said round table, as well as by ISA´s high level audience. Moreover, this panel is interested in fostering qualified theoretical debate throughout a young scholarship with a diverse background.