MOLINA Sonia JazmÍn
congresos y reuniones científicas
Enriched environment as a non-pharmacological tool to prevent changes in hippocampal oxidative state induced by different noise exposure schedules at an early developmental age
Mar del Plata
Congreso; XXXII Annual Congress of the Argentine Society for Research in Neuroscience (SAN) 2017; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias (SAN)
Previous results showed different hippocampal (HC)-related behavioral alterations in noiseexposed rats. In addition, enriched environment (EE) housing was effective to prevent most of them. However, data of HC oxidative state after noise exposure have not been obtained yet. Thus, the aim of the present work was to test a potential noise effect on HC oxidative state through the measurement of endogenous antioxidant enzymes in rats exposed to different schedules as well as the possible prevention of these changes by rearing in an EE.7-days-old rats were exposed to noise (95-97 dB, 2h) for one (N1) or five (N5) consecutive days. After weaning, groups of rats were transferred to EE or standard cages. One week later, levels of Trx1 and Trx2 -two antioxidant enzymes from the thioredoxin family- were tested.Results showed that Trx1 levels were increased in N1 and N5 rats. In contrast, rearing these animals in an EE was effective in preventing these changes. On the other hand, Trx2 levels were increased only in N5 animals and EE was successful in preventing these changes. These findings suggest that an oxidative imbalance might be triggered after noise exposure, being Trx1 more susceptible to noise impact since only one exposure was enough to alter its levels.Conversely, several consecutive noise exposures might be necessary to generate changes on Trx2 levels. Finally, EE seems to be an effective strategy to reverse noise-induced changes in HC oxidative state.