INSIBIO   05451
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
San Miguel de Tucumán
Congreso; XLV reunión anulan de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SAIB); 2009
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SAIB)
PRE-IMPLANTATION EMBRYOS AFFECT LEFTY2 GENE EXPRESSION IN THE RAT OVIDUCT Argañaraz ME; Jimenez-Diaz MA; Miceli DC I N S I B I O ( C O N I C E T - U N T ) . E - m a i l Accumul at i ng dat a suggest ed t hat embr yo- mat er nal communication exists during preimplantation period within the mammalian oviduct, which provide the optimal microenvironment for embryo development. Signals produced by the pre-implantation embryos affect their transport in the oviduct, and the oviductal physiology and gene expression patterns. Previously, we have found increased levels of lefty2, a novel member of TGF-b family, at the 4th day of pregnancy, when the embryos are finishing their passage through the oviduct. In order to distinguish whether the embryo presence or the hormonal levels induce lefty2 rise in the oviduct, we studied lefty2 gene expression by using a unilaterally pregnant rat model. This procedure enables us to obtain one oviduct with embryos and other without them. By semiquantitative RT-PCR assays we found that lefty2 mRNA level was significantly higher in the pregnant oviduct containing embryos when compared with the contralateral empty tube. These data suggest that the embryo might participate regulating lefty2 expression in the rat oviduct during the pre-implantation period of pregnancy. The study strongly suggests that lefty2 might be an important mediator for preimplantation embryo-maternal dialogue. Thefore, the potential application of LEFTY2 in the culture of embryos deserves further exploration.lefty2, a novel member of TGF-b family, at the 4th day of pregnancy, when the embryos are finishing their passage through the oviduct. In order to distinguish whether the embryo presence or the hormonal levels induce lefty2 rise in the oviduct, we studied lefty2 gene expression by using a unilaterally pregnant rat model. This procedure enables us to obtain one oviduct with embryos and other without them. By semiquantitative RT-PCR assays we found that lefty2 mRNA level was significantly higher in the pregnant oviduct containing embryos when compared with the contralateral empty tube. These data suggest that the embryo might participate regulating lefty2 expression in the rat oviduct during the pre-implantation period of pregnancy. The study strongly suggests that lefty2 might be an important mediator for preimplantation embryo-maternal dialogue. Thefore, the potential application of LEFTY2 in the culture of embryos deserves further exploration.lefty2 rise in the oviduct, we studied lefty2 gene expression by using a unilaterally pregnant rat model. This procedure enables us to obtain one oviduct with embryos and other without them. By semiquantitative RT-PCR assays we found that lefty2 mRNA level was significantly higher in the pregnant oviduct containing embryos when compared with the contralateral empty tube. These data suggest that the embryo might participate regulating lefty2 expression in the rat oviduct during the pre-implantation period of pregnancy. The study strongly suggests that lefty2 might be an important mediator for preimplantation embryo-maternal dialogue. Thefore, the potential application of LEFTY2 in the culture of embryos deserves further exploration.lefty2 gene expression by using a unilaterally pregnant rat model. This procedure enables us to obtain one oviduct with embryos and other without them. By semiquantitative RT-PCR assays we found that lefty2 mRNA level was significantly higher in the pregnant oviduct containing embryos when compared with the contralateral empty tube. These data suggest that the embryo might participate regulating lefty2 expression in the rat oviduct during the pre-implantation period of pregnancy. The study strongly suggests that lefty2 might be an important mediator for preimplantation embryo-maternal dialogue. Thefore, the potential application of LEFTY2 in the culture of embryos deserves further exploration.lefty2 expression in the rat oviduct during the pre-implantation period of pregnancy. The study strongly suggests that lefty2 might be an important mediator for preimplantation embryo-maternal dialogue. Thefore, the potential application of LEFTY2 in the culture of embryos deserves further exploration.lefty2 might be an important mediator for preimplantation embryo-maternal dialogue. Thefore, the potential application of LEFTY2 in the culture of embryos deserves further exploration.