RADOVICH Juan Carlos
congresos y reuniones científicas
Puel Kona (Eastern Warriors)
Seminario; Violence in art: an ethnographic approach.; 2017
Institución organizadora:
Universidad de Liubliana. Facultad de Filosofía.Eslovenia.
Violence in art: an ethnographic approach. A seminar on anthropology of art and violencePaper Title: ?Puel Kona? (?Warriors from the East?) A mapuche band against violence and discrimination in Southern Argentina.Author: Juan Carlos Radovich (University of Buenos Aires-Argentina).This paper deals with data gathered by Social Anthropological techniques of research, obtained among mapuche aboriginal people from Northern Patagonian province of Neuquen, in Southern Argentina. ?Puel Kona? (?Warriors from the East?) is a music band of cultural resistance, against different ways of violence suffered by Mapuche people. Young men and women are members of this band, playing various musical styles (such as rock, cumbia, hip hop and ska, combining with traditional mapuche music). These young members of the band, belongs to mapuche families established in urban areas as a consequence of a migratory process. These third generation of migrants, grew up in households in which their parents began an ethnopolitical movement linked to mapuche ethnic revival after the end of the last military dictatorship which rules the country by authoritarian methods from 1976 to 1983. They obtained experience by participating in many strategies from the globalized world. In this paper we?ll analyze some of the contents of musical production of ?Puel Kona? band in the context of discrimination, racism, confrontation against the state, and the struggle of Mapuche people to be themselves.