MARTIN carlos Alberto
congresos y reuniones científicas
Water Disinfection with UV Radiation: a Kinetic Study
Barcelona, España
Congreso; SPEA3 3rd European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications; 2004
Microbiological contamination of water to be used for domestic or industrial applications has always been a problem of general concern. Among the proposed ways to deal with this type of pollution without introducing additional difficulties associated with the use of chlorine, UV radiation employing Germicidal lamps is an established technology. This work presents a detailed kinetic study of the rate of removal of bacteria employing UV radiation under the following conditions: (i) the indicator microorganism is Escherichia coli, (ii) temperature is 20° C, (iii) the employed UV radiation has a wavelength of 253.7 nm, (iv) the Incident Radiation is changed in four different radiation levels (vi) the initial concentration of bacteria varies from 105 to 108 CFU cm-3, (vii) two different culture medium are used and (viii) the concentration of the culture medium varies between 10-3 to 10-6 g cm-3. The two last variations were introduced to simulate typical effluents from food industries and clean waters for domestic use.Escherichia coli, (ii) temperature is 20° C, (iii) the employed UV radiation has a wavelength of 253.7 nm, (iv) the Incident Radiation is changed in four different radiation levels (vi) the initial concentration of bacteria varies from 105 to 108 CFU cm-3, (vii) two different culture medium are used and (viii) the concentration of the culture medium varies between 10-3 to 10-6 g cm-3. The two last variations were introduced to simulate typical effluents from food industries and clean waters for domestic use.5 to 108 CFU cm-3, (vii) two different culture medium are used and (viii) the concentration of the culture medium varies between 10-3 to 10-6 g cm-3. The two last variations were introduced to simulate typical effluents from food industries and clean waters for domestic use.-3 to 10-6 g cm-3. The two last variations were introduced to simulate typical effluents from food industries and clean waters for domestic use.