CIVETAN   23983
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Reporter of case Salmonellosis in horse
Buenos Aires
Congreso; X International Equine Infectious Diseases Conference; 2016
Institución organizadora:
International Equine Infectious Diseases
Salmonella is one of the leading causes of chronic diarrhea in adult horses. Treatment in these cases is complicated and the prognosis is reserved. Following work communicates a clinical case of salmonellosis in an equine castrated male, raza polo Argentino, 5 years old. In July 2015 the horse up to a ganadero establishment of Tandil party with poor body condition, diarrhea and weakness. 24/8 consult your veterinarian and the horse was in a pen with hens, deposed, with four members, pale mucous edema. He is a treatment with febendazole (10 mg/kg/24 h for 5 days). 13/9 moved to a guesthouse in the city of Tandil for a better follow-up and presents hyperthermia (40 ° C), pale mucous membranes, profuse watery diarrhea. It is 1 mL/10-20 kg of weight per day of Sulphadimidine 20 g, trimethoprim 4 g Loperamida HCl 0, 04 g, for 3 days. Modifies the diet pellets, alfalfa and oats. Blood is drawn 15/9 and fecal matter to review growth, which was negative. 30/9 is again low with edema in foreskin and ventral abdomen, presents hyperthermia (40.2 ° C), pale mucous membranes, decay and lossof appetite. He is blood count (table 1) and extracted fecal matter to review growth, which was negative and microbiological examination.An 1/10 is a hydration therapy and blood is transfused. Administered penicillin 30000 IU/Kg every 24 h, gentamicin 6.6 mg/kg/IV every 12 h and dose for 5 days endotoxicas flunixin meglumine. The stool was subjected to the systematic process for the isolation and identification of microorganisms: colorations, culture on blood agar and Mc Conkey, pre-enrichment broth selenite and peals in Salmonella-Shigella agar, in aerofilia at 37 ° C. Peal of 48 h develops lactose colonies negative with a gram negative Bacillus sulfhydryl is that TSI, LIA, catalase, oxidase and reduction of nitrates, IMViC, urea and mobility. These tests helped identify a Salmonella sp 5/9. The isolate was sensitive as: enrofloxacin, gentamicin, Ac. nalidixic, trimethoprim - Sulfadiazine and ceftriaxone. Isolation, signs, and blood chemistry consistent with a case of chronic salmonellosis. The transmission could be due to carriers other living animals. The determination of the species will allow to further genetic studies. 9/9-equine worsens, remains in decubitus and its euthanasia is performed.