POLITIS Daniel Gustavo
congresos y reuniones científicas
Mirror Neuron Systems in Frontotemporal Dementia
Buenos Aires
Congreso; 2008 Mild Year Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society and the VIII SONEPSA Meeting; 2008
Institución organizadora:
International Neuropsychological Society and SONEPSA
Objective : Several studies found relationship between alterations in social cognition (SC) and apraxia in patients with autism. Mirror neurons systems (MN) have been postulated as the common neural substrate. The alterations in the SC are characteristic of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Although there are isolated descriptions on the association between FTD and apraxia, this relationship has not been assigned to that entity. Objectives Studying the presence of apraxia and its relationship with the SC in patients with FTD. and apraxia in patients with autism. Mirror neurons systems (MN) have been postulated as the common neural substrate. The alterations in the SC are characteristic of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Although there are isolated descriptions on the association between FTD and apraxia, this relationship has not been assigned to that entity. Objectives Studying the presence of apraxia and its relationship with the SC in patients with FTD. and apraxia in patients with autism. Mirror neurons systems (MN) have been postulated as the common neural substrate. The alterations in the SC are characteristic of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Although there are isolated descriptions on the association between FTD and apraxia, this relationship has not been assigned to that entity. Objectives Studying the presence of apraxia and its relationship with the SC in patients with FTD. Several studies found relationship between alterations in social cognition (SC) and apraxia in patients with autism. Mirror neurons systems (MN) have been postulated as the common neural substrate. The alterations in the SC are characteristic of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Although there are isolated descriptions on the association between FTD and apraxia, this relationship has not been assigned to that entity. Objectives Studying the presence of apraxia and its relationship with the SC in patients with FTD. Participants and Methods: Were studied 17 patients diagnosed with FTD (frontal variant) with an extensive neuropsychological battery that included: test SC (Reading the Mind in the Eyes RV, Baron-Cohen et al; Faux Pas, Stone et al; False belief Baron - Cohen, et al.; Gambing Task, Bechara et al.), and a battery Praxias (Politis). with an extensive neuropsychological battery that included: test SC (Reading the Mind in the Eyes RV, Baron-Cohen et al; Faux Pas, Stone et al; False belief Baron - Cohen, et al.; Gambing Task, Bechara et al.), and a battery Praxias (Politis). with an extensive neuropsychological battery that included: test SC (Reading the Mind in the Eyes RV, Baron-Cohen et al; Faux Pas, Stone et al; False belief Baron - Cohen, et al.; Gambing Task, Bechara et al.), and a battery Praxias (Politis). Were studied 17 patients diagnosed with FTD (frontal variant) with an extensive neuropsychological battery that included: test SC (Reading the Mind in the Eyes RV, Baron-Cohen et al; Faux Pas, Stone et al; False belief Baron - Cohen, et al.; Gambing Task, Bechara et al.), and a battery Praxias (Politis). Results : The 17 patients studied had evidence of alterations in CS, and 15 had apraxia. We found significant correlation between the tests Faux Pas and false belief in the total return on the battery praxias also among faux pas and testing tools, discrimination, determination and designation by function. In addition false belief correlated with input audioverbal, Pantomimes, discrimination and gestural decision. We found significant correlation between the tests Faux Pas and false belief in the total return on the battery praxias also among faux pas and testing tools, discrimination, determination and designation by function. In addition false belief correlated with input audioverbal, Pantomimes, discrimination and gestural decision. We found significant correlation between the tests Faux Pas and false belief in the total return on the battery praxias also among faux pas and testing tools, discrimination, determination and designation by function. In addition false belief correlated with input audioverbal, Pantomimes, discrimination and gestural decision. The 17 patients studied had evidence of alterations in CS, and 15 had apraxia. We found significant correlation between the tests Faux Pas and false belief in the total return on the battery praxias also among faux pas and testing tools, discrimination, determination and designation by function. In addition false belief correlated with input audioverbal, Pantomimes, discrimination and gestural decision. Conclusions : The high frequency of apraxia and found correlations with CS could indicate a common substrate for both processes. This system me be the MN systems in the premotor cortex. common substrate for both processes. This system me be the MN systems in the premotor cortex. common substrate for both processes. This system me be the MN systems in the premotor cortex. The high frequency of apraxia and found correlations with CS could indicate a common substrate for both processes. This system me be the MN systems in the premotor cortex.