ALTAVILLA Cristian Daniel
congresos y reuniones científicas
The Dinamics of the Party System in a Federal State. A general Proposal and the Case of Argentina
Workshop; 41st Workshop of the Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR); 2013
Institución organizadora:
ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) y Johannes Gutenberg Universität
The party system has a specific dynamic when it develops within a federal state. There are specific institutions within the federal institutional frame that influence the shape of the parties acting in this federal frame. The existence of different territories with political autonomy and with specific interest, generate different political loyalties. This in turn creates leadership cadres whose normative role is increasing the power and benefits of the level of government to which they represent. In addision, an electoral system designed to suit to federal system institutions (namely, the election of deputies and senators, the different constituencies in which they are elected, etc.), contributes in some extent to increase the possibility of fragmentation within the party structure. In short, all this translates to a tension within the party structure (that could produce a fragmentation within the party itself) and, in more general terms, a fragmentation of the whole party system (with the consequent multiplication of political parties). The party system, likewise, could plays a significant role in the federalism ? if we see it as a continous and dynamic process ? either as a centripetal or a centrifugal force. The process of fragmentation experienced by the APS and in combination with a specific electoral system produce a national divided government. Due to this the president has no majority in Congress nor in the provinces, which are governed largely by local parties or by local branches of the national party that mostly acts independently.