congresos y reuniones científicas
Sustainale agriculture and PGPR use in cereals crop production
Simposio; Simposio Interacciones Planta-Microorganismo. XXXI Reunón Argentina de Fisiologia Vegetal; 2016
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal
The microorganisms from the rizosphere participate in diverse natural processes related with the growth of the plants. Several of them directly improve the offer of nutrients, promote the growth of the roots or contribute enhancing plant health and protection against pests and diseases. Many field studies show that the inoculation with these microorganismsimproves the growth of diverse crops. The purpose of this presentation is to discussseveral of the agronomical contribution of the inoculation of cereal crops with Azospirillumsp, Pseudomonas sp.and other microorganisms from the rizosphere. The results suggest that most of the benefits on the productivity of cereals inoculated with these microorganisms are in response to the increase in the soil volume explored by the roots. The growth contribution occurs mainly during early development stages of the crops and are greater than in terms of grain yield production. The use in regular production practices is limited and partially due to the variability in the amount and the frequency of the direct contribution to the crop productivity or other benefits improving the use of other production resources. Within the challenges for their development, it is important to intensify the analysis of their value contribution under real production conditions (i.e. responses among regions, production practices, etc.) as well as the communication of their benefits integrated with crop management recommended practices.