congresos y reuniones científicas
Dispositivos pedagógicos y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Una investigación en escuelas emplazadas en contextos de extrema pobreza urbana.
Seminario; Seminario internacional sobre Medios y cultura digital.; 2015
Institución organizadora:
Department of Culture, Languages and Media. Faculty of Education and Society. Malmö University
This work focuses on the characterization of pedagogical apparatuses from the increasing social diffusion of information technology and communication under specific coordinates involving public high schools located on contexts of urban poverty. The socio-pedagogical perspective assumed allows us to describe and analyze the type of link established between the school and technology, at a time when the latter has become a reality that bursts and passes through the walls of the school, which is a key challenge for both teaching and learning within the classroom, and for the dynamics of production and transmission of knowledge.In that sense, this thesis discusses the current configuration of pedagogical apparatuses in their specific junction with the information and communication technologies, their multipoint meeting and distance. In this framework a "demonizes" point of view about technologies is avoided, one that make them responsible for every social problem condensed in the classroom- or sees them as a miraculous "solution" to complex problems of teaching and learning -generally attributing qualities to both technologies and students, that ?a priori- lack. Both theories impoverish the problem.