DRAGANI Walter Cesar
congresos y reuniones científicas
Circulation of the water flow in the main channel of San Antonio bay, Argentina.
Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Congreso; ECSA 44; 2008
San Antonio Bay is located in the north-western extreme of the San Matías Gulf. It is a semi-circular macrotidal envirornment with an area of 160 km2 characterised by tidal flats, salt marshes, tidal channels and spits on both sides of the main entrance inlet, which protect  them from the energy coming from the gulf. The aim of this study is to analyse the circulation of the main tidal channel of the bay by means of a three dimensional water modelling system: Mohid. Numerical simulations are carried out and validated using the bathymetries of both the inner and the outer area of the channel, local wind speed, tides and currents. The implemented computational grid has 300 grid points in the east-west and the north-south directions and the sigma coordinate is used in the vertical. The residual currents is 0.04 m s- and flows in the 63º direction and the mean NS and EW components are 0.39 m s-1 and 0.57 m s-1, respectively .Maximum observed speed is 0.7223 m s-1. Both, NS and EW components show marked oscillations due to the semidiurnal tidal regime. Ebb speeds are in general higher than flood ones.2 characterised by tidal flats, salt marshes, tidal channels and spits on both sides of the main entrance inlet, which protect  them from the energy coming from the gulf. The aim of this study is to analyse the circulation of the main tidal channel of the bay by means of a three dimensional water modelling system: Mohid. Numerical simulations are carried out and validated using the bathymetries of both the inner and the outer area of the channel, local wind speed, tides and currents. The implemented computational grid has 300 grid points in the east-west and the north-south directions and the sigma coordinate is used in the vertical. The residual currents is 0.04 m s- and flows in the 63º direction and the mean NS and EW components are 0.39 m s-1 and 0.57 m s-1, respectively .Maximum observed speed is 0.7223 m s-1. Both, NS and EW components show marked oscillations due to the semidiurnal tidal regime. Ebb speeds are in general higher than flood ones.