BARBEITO Claudio Gustavo
congresos y reuniones científicas
Congreso; XXIV Reunión Científica Anual de la Sociedad de Biología de Cuyo. III Reunión de la Sociedad de Microscopia Argentina.; 2005
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad de Microscopia Argentina. Sociedad de Biología de Cuyo
C-kit is the tyrosine kinase receptor of stem cell factor expressed in different tissue layers and organs. By light microscopy, the specific marker of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in gastrointestinal tract is c-kit/CD117. These ICC have a functional relation with the neurons of myenteric plexus and smooth muscular cells, playing an important role in the control of gastrointestinal motility. The present study analyzed the distribution of the c-kit positive cells in the normal forestomach of newborn calves. C-kit immunohystochemistry was performed on 4 } 1 ¦Ìm sections paraffin embedded of rumen, reticulum and omasum obtained fron six 2-day old calves. The density of c-kit positive cells was significantly greater at the myenteric plexus, circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers. Around the myenteric plexus they present short processes. In muscular layers, a network organization was found, in which thin processes of positive cells overlapped with processes of other positive cells. Rumen and reticulum showed high density in longitudinal muscle layers while the omasum displayed more positive cells in circular muscle layers. Omasal lamina showed large c-kit positive cells. These morphological data show for the first time that in forestomach of the newborn calf there are cells phenotypically similar to ICC. and omasum obtained fron six 2-day old calves. The density of c-kit positive cells was significantly greater at the myenteric plexus, circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers. Around the myenteric plexus they present short processes. In muscular layers, a network organization was found, in which thin processes of positive cells overlapped with processes of other positive cells. Rumen and reticulum showed high density in longitudinal muscle layers while the omasum displayed more positive cells in circular muscle layers. Omasal lamina showed large c-kit positive cells. These morphological data show for the first time that in forestomach of the newborn calf there are cells phenotypically similar to ICC. and omasum obtained fron six 2-day old calves. The density of c-kit positive cells was significantly greater at the myenteric plexus, circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers. Around the myenteric plexus they present short processes. In muscular layers, a network organization was found, in which thin processes of positive cells overlapped with processes of other positive cells. Rumen and reticulum showed high density in longitudinal muscle layers while the omasum displayed more positive cells in circular muscle layers. Omasal lamina showed large c-kit positive cells. These morphological data show for the first time that in forestomach of the newborn calf there are cells phenotypically similar to ICC. and omasum obtained fron six 2-day old calves. The density of c-kit positive cells was significantly greater at the myenteric plexus, circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers. Around the myenteric plexus they present short processes. In muscular layers, a network organization was found, in which thin processes of positive cells overlapped with processes of other positive cells. Rumen and reticulum showed high density in longitudinal muscle layers while the omasum displayed more positive cells in circular muscle layers. Omasal lamina showed large c-kit positive cells. These morphological data show for the first time that in forestomach of the newborn calf there are cells phenotypically similar to ICC. and omasum obtained fron six 2-day old calves. The density of c-kit positive cells was significantly greater at the myenteric plexus, circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers. Around the myenteric plexus they present short processes. In muscular layers, a network organization was found, in which thin processes of positive cells overlapped with processes of other positive cells. Rumen and reticulum showed high density in longitudinal muscle layers while the omasum displayed more positive cells in circular muscle layers. Omasal lamina showed large c-kit positive cells. These morphological data show for the first time that in forestomach of the newborn calf there are cells phenotypically similar to ICC. and omasum obtained fron six 2-day old calves. The density of c-kit positive cells was significantly greater at the myenteric plexus, circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers. Around the myenteric plexus they present short processes. In muscular layers, a network organization was found, in which thin processes of positive cells overlapped with processes of other positive cells. Rumen and reticulum showed high density in longitudinal muscle layers while the omasum displayed more positive cells in circular muscle layers. Omasal lamina showed large c-kit positive cells. These morphological data show for the first time that in forestomach of the newborn calf there are cells phenotypically similar to ICC. } 1 ¦Ìm sections paraffin embedded of rumen, reticulum and omasum obtained fron six 2-day old calves. The density of c-kit positive cells was significantly greater at the myenteric plexus, circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers. Around the myenteric plexus they present short processes. In muscular layers, a network organization was found, in which thin processes of positive cells overlapped with processes of other positive cells. Rumen and reticulum showed high density in longitudinal muscle layers while the omasum displayed more positive cells in circular muscle layers. Omasal lamina showed large c-kit positive cells. These morphological data show for the first time that in forestomach of the newborn calf there are cells phenotypically similar to ICC.