SUBURO Angela Maria
congresos y reuniones científicas
Devascularizing lesions of brain motor cortex for the study of neuroprotection
Pinamar, Buenos Aires
Congreso; X Congress PanAmerican Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, XLI Meeting Argentine Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, XX Annual Meeting Argentine Society for Neurochemistry; 2005
Institución organizadora:
Sociedad Argentina de Investigaciones Bioquímicas
Most models of ischemic damage in rodent brain require occlusion of one of the major cerebral vessels. However, human brain disabilities often represent the sum of minor ischemical lesions. To analyze the recovery of such kind of lesions in mice, we have developed a model of motor disability produced by selective devascularization of sensory-motor cortex. Here, we demonstrate the recovery pattern of these lesions and show that it can be significantly improved by treatment with Granulocyte Colony Stimulation Factor (G-CSF). C57Bl/6J mice were used. Motor function was evaluated with the Beam Walking Test 3 days before and 16 days after surgery. After devascularization, animals were separated in two groups receiving 50 mg/kg/day G-CSF (Filgrastim. Biosidus) or saline during 10 days after surgery. Analysis of behavioural data indicated that mice receiving G-CSF had a better motor performance since the beginning of treatment. Those mice showed complete recovery 10 days after surgery, whereas control mice still showed motor dysfunction after 16 days. Devascularizing cortical lesions appear like a suitable model for the study of neuroprotective therapies and seem to be sensitive to G-CSF effects as shown in other studies.