SUBURO Angela Maria
congresos y reuniones científicas
Endothelin receptors in synapsis of the outer plexiform layer.
San Carlos de Bariloche
Simposio; XIIth International Symposium on Retinal Degeneration; 2006
Institución organizadora:
Retinal Degeneration Symposia
We have described the presence of endothelin-1 and its receptors, ET-A and ET-B, in the mouse retina. After light induced retinal degeneration, endothelinergic structures disappear from the outer plexiform layer (OPL) but ET-1 and ET-B increase in astrocytes. Besides, the blocking of ET receptors modulates photoreceptor survival and glial activation. Our purpose was identified cells in OPL bearing ET receptors. We also evaluated changes in ET receptors after 1 day of continuous illumination. BALB-c mice were maintained under 12hours light (< 60 lux)/ 12hours dark or under 1500 lux during 1 day. Retinal sections were double labeled with ET-A or ET-B sera and with antibodies against the synaptic protein SV2 (marker of photoreceptor terminals) or a phosphorylated epitope of the 200 kd neurofilament (marker for horizontals). In animals under basal illumination, ET-A immunofluorescence demonstrated a layer of varicosities in OPL. Photoreceptors processes labeled with SV-2 presented similar appearance. However there was not colocalization between these markers. RT-97 neither colocalized with ET-A terminals of OPL. ET-B immunofluorescence selectively colocalized with RT-97 immunofluorescence, indicating its presence in horizontal cells. No changes could be detected in ET-A or ET-B at the OPL after exposure to 1,500 lux during 24 hours but this exposure increased ET-B immunofluorescence in Müller cells. These data suggest that ET-A receptor could be located on bipolar processes of OPL and ET-B in horizontal cells. Endothelinergic-signaling could exist in the synaptic triad affecting neuronal functions. After 1 days of continuous illumination ET-B increased in Müller probably reflecting changes of endothelin levels.