LANUZA Guillermo Marcos
congresos y reuniones científicas
The bHLH-transcription factor Ascl1 cell-autonomously controls the differentiation of spinal neurons
Santa Cruz, Chile
Congreso; International Meeting Latin American Society Developmental Biology; 2010
Institución organizadora:
Latin American Society Developmental Biology
Understanding the ontogenetic mechanisms that control the diversification of cell types in the central nervous system is one of the central problems in developmental neurobiology. We have recently identified that the cluster of Cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons (CCNs) in the central canal of the spinal cord, are a subset of V2 neurons. CCNs are generated relatively late during mouse embryonic development when spinal cord progenitor cells are committed toward glial cell fates. CCNs have unique morphological and molecular features that allow their unambiguous identification, including a cellular process through the epithelial barrier of the ependyma. We found that the bHLH-containing proneural protein Ascl1 (Achaete Scute Complex like-1) is expressed in late neuroepithelial cells corresponding to the ventral p2 domain, and that this expression spatially correlates with the development of CCNs. Short-term lineage tracing experiments using the transgenic mouse line Ascl1GFP indicated that the transcription factor Ascl1 is expressed in CCN progenitors. In order to assess whether Ascl1 is required for the generation of this neural population, we analyzed the differentiation of CCNs in the embryonic spinal cord of mice lacking this transcription factor. By using a combination of CCN markers (PKD2L1, Gata2, Gata3) we found that CCNs fail to develop in Ascl1 mutants. Furthermore, the loss of Ascl1 selectively affects CCN development as cell populations generated earlier from the p2 domain remain unaffected. These results show that the proneural transcription factor Ascl1 is expressed in spinal ventral late progenitors that give rise to CCNs and that Ascl1 plays an essential role in their genesis in a cell autonomous manner.