ESQUIVEL Marcelo Ricardo Oscar
congresos y reuniones científicas
Cloración y carbocloración de óxido de Cerio
Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Congreso; XXVII Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear-AATN; 2000
Institución organizadora:
Asociación Argentina de Tecnología Nuclear
Las reacciones de cloración y carbocloración de CeO2 han sido estudiadas en el rango de 700ºC-950 ºC, mediante termogravimetría bajo atmósfera controlada (TG). Reactivos y productos fueron analizados con las técnicas de difracción de rayos X (DRX), microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) y análisis dispersivo en energía (EDE). Los valores termodinámicos de las reacciones propuestas, fueron calculados con ayuda de software asistido por computadora. Los resultados hallados, permitieron proponer la estequiometría global de ambas reacciones: CeO2 + 3/2 Cl2 = CeCl3 + O2 (1) CeO2 + 2C + 3/2 Cl2 = CeCl3 + 2 CO (2) Las mediciones termogravimétricas indican que la reacción de cloración (ec.1), se inicia lentamente a partir de los 800ºC y la de carbocloración (ec. 2), a 700ºC, completándose rápidamente en una sola etapa bajo control difusional. Los valores de energía de activación aparentes (Ea) en el rango de 850ºC a 950ºC hallados para la reacción de cloración y la de carbocloración son 172 ± 5 kJ/ mol y 56 ± 5 kJ/mol, respectivamente. CHLORINATION AND CARBOCHLORINATION OF CERIUM OXIDE ABSTRACT: The chlorination and carbochlorination of cerium oxide were studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere (TG) in the 700ºC – 950ºC temperature range. Both reactants and products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (RX), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thermodynamic calculations were performed by computer assisted software. The chlorination starts at a temperature close to 800ºC. This reaction involves the simultaneous formation and evaporation of CeCl3. Both processes control the reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. respectivamente. CHLORINATION AND CARBOCHLORINATION OF CERIUM OXIDE ABSTRACT: The chlorination and carbochlorination of cerium oxide were studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere (TG) in the 700ºC – 950ºC temperature range. Both reactants and products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (RX), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thermodynamic calculations were performed by computer assisted software. The chlorination starts at a temperature close to 800ºC. This reaction involves the simultaneous formation and evaporation of CeCl3. Both processes control the reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reacción de cloración y la de carbocloración son 172 ± 5 kJ/ mol y 56 ± 5 kJ/mol, respectivamente. CHLORINATION AND CARBOCHLORINATION OF CERIUM OXIDE ABSTRACT: The chlorination and carbochlorination of cerium oxide were studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere (TG) in the 700ºC – 950ºC temperature range. Both reactants and products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (RX), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thermodynamic calculations were performed by computer assisted software. The chlorination starts at a temperature close to 800ºC. This reaction involves the simultaneous formation and evaporation of CeCl3. Both processes control the reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. respectivamente. CHLORINATION AND CARBOCHLORINATION OF CERIUM OXIDE ABSTRACT: The chlorination and carbochlorination of cerium oxide were studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere (TG) in the 700ºC – 950ºC temperature range. Both reactants and products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (RX), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thermodynamic calculations were performed by computer assisted software. The chlorination starts at a temperature close to 800ºC. This reaction involves the simultaneous formation and evaporation of CeCl3. Both processes control the reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. Las mediciones termogravimétricas indican que la reacción de cloración (ec.1), se inicia lentamente a partir de los 800ºC y la de carbocloración (ec. 2), a 700ºC, completándose rápidamente en una sola etapa bajo control difusional. Los valores de energía de activación aparentes (Ea) en el rango de 850ºC a 950ºC hallados para la reacción de cloración y la de carbocloración son 172 ± 5 kJ/ mol y 56 ± 5 kJ/mol, respectivamente. CHLORINATION AND CARBOCHLORINATION OF CERIUM OXIDE ABSTRACT: The chlorination and carbochlorination of cerium oxide were studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere (TG) in the 700ºC – 950ºC temperature range. Both reactants and products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (RX), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thermodynamic calculations were performed by computer assisted software. The chlorination starts at a temperature close to 800ºC. This reaction involves the simultaneous formation and evaporation of CeCl3. Both processes control the reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. respectivamente. CHLORINATION AND CARBOCHLORINATION OF CERIUM OXIDE ABSTRACT: The chlorination and carbochlorination of cerium oxide were studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere (TG) in the 700ºC – 950ºC temperature range. Both reactants and products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (RX), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thermodynamic calculations were performed by computer assisted software. The chlorination starts at a temperature close to 800ºC. This reaction involves the simultaneous formation and evaporation of CeCl3. Both processes control the reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reacción de cloración y la de carbocloración son 172 ± 5 kJ/ mol y 56 ± 5 kJ/mol, respectivamente. CHLORINATION AND CARBOCHLORINATION OF CERIUM OXIDE ABSTRACT: The chlorination and carbochlorination of cerium oxide were studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere (TG) in the 700ºC – 950ºC temperature range. Both reactants and products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (RX), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thermodynamic calculations were performed by computer assisted software. The chlorination starts at a temperature close to 800ºC. This reaction involves the simultaneous formation and evaporation of CeCl3. Both processes control the reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. respectivamente. CHLORINATION AND CARBOCHLORINATION OF CERIUM OXIDE ABSTRACT: The chlorination and carbochlorination of cerium oxide were studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere (TG) in the 700ºC – 950ºC temperature range. Both reactants and products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (RX), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thermodynamic calculations were performed by computer assisted software. The chlorination starts at a temperature close to 800ºC. This reaction involves the simultaneous formation and evaporation of CeCl3. Both processes control the reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. CeO2 + 2C + 3/2 Cl2 = CeCl3 + 2 CO (2) Las mediciones termogravimétricas indican que la reacción de cloración (ec.1), se inicia lentamente a partir de los 800ºC y la de carbocloración (ec. 2), a 700ºC, completándose rápidamente en una sola etapa bajo control difusional. Los valores de energía de activación aparentes (Ea) en el rango de 850ºC a 950ºC hallados para la reacción de cloración y la de carbocloración son 172 ± 5 kJ/ mol y 56 ± 5 kJ/mol, respectivamente. CHLORINATION AND CARBOCHLORINATION OF CERIUM OXIDE ABSTRACT: The chlorination and carbochlorination of cerium oxide were studied by thermogravimetry under controlled atmosphere (TG) in the 700ºC – 950ºC temperature range. Both reactants and products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (RX), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Thermodynamic calculations were performed by computer assisted software. The chlorination starts at a temperature close to 800ºC. This reaction involves the simultaneous formation and evaporation of CeCl3. Both processes control the reaction rate and their kinetic may not be easily separated. The apparent chlorination activation energy in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range is 172 ± 5 kJ/ mole. Carbon transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. 850ºC-950ºC temperature range. transforms the CeO2-Cl2 into a more reactive system: CeO2-C-Cl2, where the effects of the carbon content, total flow rate and temperature were analyzed. The carbochlorination starting temperature is 700ºC. This reaction is completed in one step controlled by mass transfer with an apparent activation energy of 56 ± 5 kJ/mole in the 8