LOMBARDO Daniel Marcelo
congresos y reuniones científicas
Anatomo-Histological and histochemical changes in the oviduct of the spotted Nothura (Nothura maculosa, Tinamidae) during the annual cycle.
Buenos Aires
Jornada; III Jornadas Internacionales del Instituto de Investigación y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal – INITRA; 2012
Institución organizadora:
Instituto de Investigación y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal - INITRA. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. UBA
The oviduct of birds shows morpho-functional variations in species with seasonal reproduction. The objective of this work was to describe the anatomical, histological and histochemical changes of the Spotted Nothura oviduct during the annual cycle. Complete oviducts of adult female Nothura maculosa were obtained in reproductive recess periods (P1: March to May and P2: June to August) and reproductive periods (P3: September to November and P4: December to February); which were fixed in Bouin and post-fixation were measured. The regions of the oviduct (infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina) were conventionally processed and embedded in paraffin or historesin (LEICA ®). Longitudinal and cross sections were stained with H / E, Masson trichrome and PAS/H. Macroscopic and microscopic images were obtained and analyzed with the software Leica Qwin, measuring different parameters. All variables showed minimal values during P1-P2 while in P3-P4 were determined the maximum ones. The total length of oviduct ranged from 69 mm during P1 to 163.19 mm in P3. The development of the oviduct was also evident in the height changes and the degree of development of epithelial apical different regions, in the length of the cilia and in the amount of secretory cells. During involution, the amount of secretory cells decreases, lacking PAS positive granules and the typical pseudostratification of active epithelium changes to a simple epithelium of low height in all regions. The folds in the infundibulum ranged from 42.08 to 192.6 μm (P1 to P3), in the magnum are wide and lined with epithelium which increases in height (P1: 5.86 to P3: 15.49 μm), with PAS + cells. In the uterus the folds are branched of 696.26 μm in height in P4, with abundant PAS (+) glands during P3-P4. In the vagina, sperm storage tubules were observed full of sperm cells only during P3 and P4. In all regions the connective tissue predominated during P1 and P2 while it was scarce in P3 and P4, periods in which the glands doubled its size and increased its content. The observed features are related to glandular secretory activity levels and changes that we have described in the pituitary-gonadal axis of this species in the same periods of the annual cycle.