congresos y reuniones científicas
Use of Traditional Galactagogues in the Peruvian Andes
Congreso; 14th Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology; 2014
Institución organizadora:
International Society of Ethnobiology
Ethnobiologists have paid considerable attention to the loss, retention, or expansion of traditional knowledge for it is seen as intricately tied to the maintenance and use of biodiversity. Furthermore, research shows a positive relationship between knowledge and health. Recently in Peru, the ministry of health has taken an active role in investigating and preserving traditional medical knowledge. While acknowledging the importance of traditional knowledge and medicinal practices, public health initiatives in Peru are simultaneously regularizing and institutionalizing maternal and infant health care in rural communities.This development includes promoting the breastfeeding recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). However, traditional knowledge about breastfeeding, including the medicinal and nutritional properties of plants, animals, and minerals that are good to eat during breastfeeding, has thus far been ignored in this process. In this paper, I explore the maintenance and use of traditional knowledge associated with breastfeeding in the context of the institutionalization of maternal and infant health. Data come from research conducted in Quechua highland communities in Cusco, Peru. I compare open-ended interviews conducted with elder mothers and breastfeeding mothers. I found that currently breastfeeding mothers maintain knowledge regarding the use of the Andean flicker bird as a galactagogue. However they do not report its consumption. Instead, currently breastfeeding mothers report using other galactaoggues. I explore factors such as gathering difficulties and public health endorsement leading to the disuse of the Andean flicker bird and relate it to other galactagogue use in the Andes.