ROUSSOS Andres Jorge
congresos y reuniones científicas
Evolution of the Negotiation of the Alliance as a Predictor of Early Responses to Treatment.
Conferencia; Conferencia Internacional de la International Federation of Psychotherapy, IFP; 2014
Institución organizadora:
International Federation of Psychotherapy, IFP
Aims: Although Working Alliance is consider one of the main predictors of change in psychotherapy, the magnitude of the correlations is not only limited in terms of the power of explanation, but also shows a high degree of variability across studies. An alternative is to refine the concept of alliance. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between an alternative for the Alliance construct, the Alliance Negotiation, and psychotherapy Outcome in outpatient treatments. Methods: Forty-two clients of cognitive integrative psychotherapy diagnosed with emotional disorders completed the Alliance Negotiation Scale (ANS) and the Outcome Questionnaire .45 (OQ-45) after the first four sessions of treatment. Different Alliance Negotiation patterns of evolution were identified and analyzed by Discriminant Analysis. Correlations, regressions and ANOVA analysis were conducted. Results: ANS at 3rd session was correlated with OQ.45 at 4th session (r = -.341; = -.896; p < .05), while ANS at 4th session was correlated with the difference between OQ in 1st and 4th session (r = .344; = .660; p < .05). Three patterns of ANS were identified with good evidence in the discriminant analysis (Growth, Decrease and V-Shape). ANOVA show differences in the outcome among the groups (F = 3.494; p < .05). Post-hoc analysis shows that better outcome was presented by V-shape comparing with decrease pattern (p < .05). Discussion: Results shows that the Alliance Negotiation scores and evolution could be an important predictor of early outcome. Further research should be conducted to have a better acknowledge of the relationship between these variables.