MIRANDA Lidia Raquel
congresos y reuniones científicas
Proper names as symbolic configuration of Christian institutional and moral scopes in Cain and Abel by Ambrose of Milan
Congreso; 14° Congreso Internacional de la FIEC; 2014
Institución organizadora:
Federación Internacional de Estudios Clásicos (FIEC) y Universidad de Bordeaux
In this paper we continue with the study of the exegetical treatises composed by Ambrose of Milan, in a perspective that allows analyzing the bishop pastoral discourse in relationship with hermeneutics, the moral anthropology and the allegorical nature of the referents alluded in them. Exactingly, the communication centers in the expressions referred to individuals, denoted by proper names, in Cain and Abel. The aim is to elucidate the reaches that biblical names have in this treatise because, although they are framed in Hebrew tradition, they do not constitute identical referents to those of that convention. In fact, the change of paradigm affects the whole conjunct of the name semantic properties, which generates a sort of polemic with Judaism, manifested in the symbolic level that requires an exegetical approach to the Holy Scripture by the exegete. In that way, the treatise symbolic projections configure particular semantic fields in which the Christian meaning resulting from the text permits delineating the institutional and moral scopes compelled to the man in Christian community.