ACTIS Adriana Beatriz
congresos y reuniones científicas
Perfil de ácidos grasos y flujo salival en ratas ayunadas
Santiago de Chile
Congreso; 4th Latin American Regional Session IADR and 24th Annual Meeting of Chilean Division, IADR División Chile; 2011
Objective: To determine the influence of fasting (F) on fatty acid profile (FA) and salivary flow (SF) of parotid (GP) and submandibular (SmG) glands of adult rats. Method: 16 Wistar adult male rats were used. They were divided into two groups: 16 hour fasting (F) and non-fasting (nF). The parotid and submandibular excretory ducts were channeled to obtain saliva in animals previously anesthetized. A mixture of isoproterenol and pilocarpine (5 mg/kg body weight each one) was injected intraperitoneally to induce saliva secretion which was collected for 20 minutes and salivary flow was measured. The salivary lipids were extracted according to Folch’s method and the FAs were methylated with sodium methoxide. They were determined by gas chromatography. Values are expressed as an area percentage. The Student’s t test was employed to compare the proportion of each FA between the two groups. Results: The mean values of SF in F and nF groups were: 5,04±2,26 μl/min and 2,5±1,67 μl/min in PG and 4,34±1,41 μl/min and 3,88±1,16 μl/min in SmG, respectively. In PG, 20:1 ω-9; 20:2 ω-9; 20:3 ω-3; 22:5 ω-3 FAs were just observed in F. 18:3 ω-3 FA presented significantly lower values in F than in nF. In SmG, 18:3 ω-3; 20:0; 20:2 ω-9; 22:5 ω-3; 22: 6 ω-3 FAs were found only in F group. In nF group, the 14:0; 18:0; 18:1 ω-9 FAs presented higher values in SmG than in PG. In F group, the 14:0; 18:1 ω-9 FAs showed higher values in SmG than in PG. Conclusion: The results suggest that fasting in Wistar rats influences the salivary flow and the FA composition on both glands. Grants from Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Res. Nº 069/08 and Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología-Provincia de Córdoba Res. Nº121/08. Córdoba, Argentina.