FATAUROS Cristian Augusto
congresos y reuniones científicas
Economic benefits for unemployed parents? The case of Child Allowances in Argentina
Workshop; Workshop on Procreative Responsibility; 2013
Institución organizadora:
Catedra Hoover de Etica Economica y Social
According to Casal & Williams, sharing the cost of procreative decisions is not required by distributive justice. On the contrary, sometimes parents should be taxed. In 2009, Argentina has implemented a social policy that gives financial assistance to procreators. This endorsement has gained praise, but it also has been criticized on the grounds that it allows people to be irresponsible. This paper describes the main features of Argentina Universal Child Allowance and its connection to parental responsibility issues. Then it analyses two arguments made in defence of the implementation of such a program. The former suggests that socialization of child benefits could exceptionally be justified even if some parental duties are legally and forcefully required. It claims that socialization of the cost of upbringing is required to deal with income inequality. The latter works on the distinction between human rights and justice requirements, and claims that human rights support giving financial help to poor families and becomes mandatory in special circumstances.