congresos y reuniones científicas
Development and implementation of a master course for educators in diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors in Argentina
Florencia, Italia
Workshop; 3rd International Dawn Summit. From practice and research to large scale implementation; 2006
PURPOSE. To develop and evaluate a university Master’s degree program in education of diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in Argentina. METHODS. The program is based on international reported standards and was developed through the Department of Postgraduate Studies of the National University of La Plata School of Medicine (Argentina) with funds provided by the American Association of Diabetes Educators (USA). This highly interactive program combines pedagogic, psychological and communicational education specifically related to diabetes and other CVRF. Consequently,  graduates will be prepared to communicate effectively with their patients as to their self-care needs and to work with them to overcome the day-to-day barriers that prevent them from integrating self-care effectively into their lives. RESULTS. The program was successfully implemented and twenty students have completed their first year including preparation of a formal Master’s thesis proposal. During the next year they will establish and evaluate diabetes education programs in their own communities as part of their Master’s thesis requirement. CONCLUSIONS. We successfully implemented a Master’s degree program in diabetes and other CVRF education based on reported international standards, that provides diabetes knowledge and educational/behavioral principles. The graduates could cope with the educator’s demands favoring effective patient participation in the control and treatment of their diabetes.