STEFFOLANI Maria Eugenia
congresos y reuniones científicas
Effect of inulin and oat fibre incorporation on technological quality of cookie
Conferencia; 2nd International ISEKI_Food Conference; 2011
Institución organizadora:
ISEKI_Foos Association
The risk factors of chronic non communicable diseases can potentially be mitigated by introducing changes in population diet. The incorporation of dietary fibre in breadmaking products causes beneficial effects on health. However, the inclusion of fibre produces technological problems in product development, and in some cases, a loss of acceptability. In the present work, the objective was to study the effect of inulin and oats fibre addition on technological quality of cookies. Cookies were prepared using the following formulation: flour (45 g), caster sugar (27 g), shortening (20 g), powdered milk (2.25 g), NaHCO3 (0.50 g), NaCl (0.42 g), and 8.5 ml of water. The inulin and oats fibre were incorporated in two levels: 3 g and 6 g (flour substitution). Cookies were baked at 200 °C for 10 min. The term ??cookie factor?? was introduced to determine cookie quality as the ratio between the width and height of four cookies randomly picked. The higher value was correlated with the better quality. Cookie hardness was evaluated 24 h after baking with a texture analyzer (INSTRON, USA) using a three-point break. Values of cookie surface colour in terms of brightness (L), redness (a), and yellowness (b) were measured using a spectrophotometer (Minolta CM-500 d series). Cookie with inulin presented higher cookie factor as compared with control cookie (without fibre). When the inulin levels increased, the cookie presented larger diameter, lower stiffness and a decrease of hardness. In addition, inulin caused an increase of redness and yellowness, and a decrease of brightness of cookie surface. On the contrary, the oat fibre decreased cookie factor, but no significant differences in hardness were observed as compared with control cookie. Colour parameters were modified with the addition of oat fibre, the cookie surface was brighter and more yellow. The insoluble fibre present in oat fibre had high water hold capacity that may decrease cookie quality.