SESTO CABRAL Maria eugenia
congresos y reuniones científicas
Cordoba- Capital-Argentina
Congreso; I Reunion nternacional de Ciencias Farmaceuticas; 2010
Institución organizadora:
Dep de Farmacia- Fac. Cs. Quim-UNC
Introduction: Skin aging is a complex and dynamic process in which are involved genetic, hormonal and environmental factors. In a biochemical level, the aging process (AP) is just an inevitable process of oxidation and cellular death. Lifestyle is an important factor in the AP. A balanced diet, exercise and basic care such as using antiaging creams will be reflected in the delay of aging. The interest in the process of photo aging study emerged from the sixties, due to the great importance that society attributes to maintain a longer youthful appearance. The aim of this work was the study of preformulation, formulation, stability control and microbiological assays to a pharmaceutical dosage form that can be trade in something, used to treat dryness, damaged and old, promoting cellular metabolism of skin. The pharmaceutical dosage forms was formulated whit the following active principles: Rosehip oil, wheat germ oil, glycolic extracts of Centella asiatica, glycolic extract of red grape seeds, vitamin A and retinol. Materials and methods: Semi-solid pharmaceutical forms (creams and emulsion) was subjected to stability studies at different times (0, 2, 7, 15.21 and 60 days). - Pre formulation studies: design and elaboration of three pharmaceutical topic dosage forms: emulsion and creams with different exipients were development. The tests conducted were: Stability assays: pH , water loss, reversibility, thermal effects, mechanical stress (extensibility and centrifugation assays), stability , emulsion type determination, spontaneous separation of phases, organoleptic test, sensorial tests, microscopy study, gross appearance study, short-term physical stability, long term physical and functional stability. -Microbiological assays: antimicrobial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi, environmental fungal contamination test and health monitoring. Antioxidant activity assay. Results: The developed formulation emulsion was found to be stable and homogeneous in the time period analyzed. There was no change in pH influenced by temperature or time. No microbiological contamination was detected. Organoleptic and sensorial tests showed a very good acceptance in terms of appearance, smell and color, uniformity and good absorption, making it the product of choice in the double-blind study. Accelerated stability studies showed preservation for a period of one year. Discussion and Conclusion: Stability and microbiological tests showed that this preparation complies with the conditions of Argentina Pharmacopoeia VI th edition, Food and Drug Administration and Spanish Pharmacopoeia I st edition. This formulation may be applied topically to prevent or treat skin aging by oxidative stress.