MANRIQUE Silvina Magdalena
congresos y reuniones científicas
Perspectives on the potential of the bioenergy: global ideas, local resources
Los Cabos
Congreso; First Iberoamerican Congress on Biorefineries; 2012
Institución organizadora:
Iberoamerican Society for the Development of Biorefineries (SIADEB)
The biomass, as a renewable source of energy, implies a wide range of different resources with diverse features and possibilities of use. The proposals for energetic use of the biomass in a determined area must begin with the recognition of this diversity and heterogeneity, as well as the local demand for energy, in order to define realistic bioenergy goals, which have a positive impact in the area where they are implemented. Even with the current base of resource, it is clear that the practical potential of the global biomass is larger than what is exploited today. Its contribution (as a source of renewable energy and/or carbon reserve, as two of its most appreciated features) must be evaluated individually in each temporary, human and territorial context, where its management and exploitation is planned in order to ensure the movement of the local development towards future higher sustainability levels.