MONTANARI Claudia Carmen
congresos y reuniones científicas
Stopping and straggling of ions in solid within the Shellwise Local Plasma Approximation
Fort Worth, Texas
Congreso; 21st International Conference in the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry; 2010
Institución organizadora:
University of North Texas and Sandia National Laboratories
We present a theoretical study on the energy loss of ions in solids, its mean value or stopping power, and also its quadratic dispersion, the energy loss straggling. The formalism employed is the shellwise local plasma approximation (SLPA) which works within the dielectric formalism and describe the response of bound electrons as that of an inhomogeneous free electron gas. This formalism, proposed originally by Lindhard [1] many years ago, has evolved in the last years by considering the independent shells of electrons and the ionization threshold of each shell explicitly [2].   We will review in this talk the SLPA results for ions in solids like Al, Zn or Cu [3-5], but also recent results on very heavy targets such as Au, Pb, Bi or W [6-7], showing the comparison of the ab-initio theoretical calculation with the experimental data and the SRIM curves. We will also present in this opportunity results for the stopping number using the Lindhard scaling and theoretical values for the mean excitation energy. The SLPA has the advantage of dealing with very heavy targets, like Au with 79 electrons, with the same degree of complexity of much simpler ones like He, C or Ne. On the other hand. the same formalism is employed to describe bound electrons of solids or gas targets. The only inputs of the SLPA are the density of each shell of electrons and its binding energies. Nor parameters are included. [1] J. Lindhard and M. Scharff, Mat. Fys. Medd. Dan. Vid. Selsk. 27, 1 (1953). [2] C. D. Archubi, C. C. Montanari and J. E. Miragllia, J. Phys. B 40, 943-954 (2007). [3] C. C. Montanari  and J. E. Miraglia, Phys. Rev. A 73,  024901 (2006). [4] E. D. Cantero et al, Phys. Rev. A  79, 042904 (2009). [5] C. C. Montanari, J. E. Miraglia, arXiv:0904.1386v1,  Ed. Cornell University Library, (2009). [6] C. C. Montanari et al, Phys. Rev. A 79, 032903 (2009). [7] C. C. Montanari et al, Phys. Rev. A 80, 012901 (2009).