CERUTI Maria Constanza
congresos y reuniones científicas
Permafrost, glaciers and Inca Ice Mummies in Argentina
Simposio; Frozen Pasts; 2010
Institución organizadora:
Universidad Nacional Tecnologica de Trondheim
Three frozen bodies of ancient Inca children were discovered at an altitude of 6.715 meters during archaeological excavations conducted by Johan Reinhard and the author of this paper, on the summit of volcano Llullaillaco, in the Andes of Argentina. The mummies were buried together with numerous sumptuary objects including textiles, metal figurines and Inca style pottery. The summit of Llullaillaco is considered to be the highest archaeological site in the world and the Llullaillaco “children” are among the best preserved mummies known to date. Interdisciplinary studies on the Llullaillaco ice mummies at the Catholic University of Salta, involved a local team of experts that conducted conventional X-rays, CT scans, dental analysis and pathological studies. Ancient D.N.A. and hair analysis were also undertaken in collaboration with academic institutions in the USA and Europe. Mummified remains of Inca children found on other Argentinean mountains - such as Chañi, Aconcagua, El Toro, Chuscha and Quehuar - have also provided information on the age and sex profile of the Inca sacrificial victims, their health condition and social status, and the techniques involved in the ancient sacrificial rituals on sacred mountains. This paper will provide an overview on the ice mummies in Argentina, considering the diverse circumstances of their discovery and pondering differences in their preservation in relation to the presence of glaciers, the conditions of the permafrost and the effects of climate change.