INIBIOMA   20415
Unidad Ejecutora - UE
congresos y reuniones científicas
Forest conservation in Patagonia: molecular tools to past reconstruction, present analysis and prediction of future scenarios
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Seminario; Ecology & Evolution Graduate Program Seminar Series; 2011
Woody plant species vary at the intraespecific level both at neutral and adaptive characters. Molecular markers can greatly contribute to investigate the effects of neutral processes such as genetic drift affecting small populations and isolation due to gene flow barriers that tend to erode genetic variation in natural populations. Genetic variation of individuals and populations provides the potential for and limitations of - organisms to respond to the environment. So the distribution of genetic variation within and among populations can be crucial for conservation/restoration efforts. One of the most significant impacts of forest degradation, loss and fragmentation is reproductive isolation, resulting in loss of genetic variability as a result of inbreeding and genetic drift. In such disturbed environments, genetic diversity provides not only the basis for adaptation and persistence of organisms but also, plays a role in ameliorating the deleterious effects of inbreeding. Moreover, patterns of genetic diversity and divergence in plants are the result of current and past evolutionary processes that can also be used to guide conservation efforts. Unfortunately, it is uncommon to guide conservation efforts based on previous collected genetic data. Furthermore, genetic differentiation within and among populations across a species range would also be determinant for conservation. In addition, the sesil nature of plant species make that they develop heritable characters in response to environmental pressures variable in time and space. Thus, different selective pressures and limited gene flow impact on plant species population causing genetic differences among individuals growing in heterogeneous environments. Therefore, life history traits are also important to genetic diversity distribution in woody plant species of conservation concern. In summary, research works that analyse levels of genetic variation within and among plant species populations including their different habitats, morphotypes allow the delimitation of hot spots of genetic diversity particularly relevant for threatened or endangered species. Molecular tools can greatly contribute to investigate and quantify distribution of genetic polymorphisms to preserve them under the perspective of global climate change. I will discuss these topics using several case studies on woody plant species from Patagonia.