CUCCHETTI Humberto Horacio
congresos y reuniones científicas
Enrique Zuleta Alvarez, un nationaliste argentin entre fidélité à Maurras et perspectives hispano-américaines. Un parcours intellectuel transnational
Encuentro; Internationalisation des droites radicales (IDREA): Doctrinaires, vulgarisateurs et passeur; 2011
The path of Enrique Zuleta Alvarez (1923)-provides a significant set of biographical features in time of dealing with the radical right-wing and its international transferts since the postwar era. Historian of the Spanish American ideas, he was influenced by the maurrasianas ideas deployed in certain social environments belonging to Argentine nationalism in the 1930s and 1940s, in his intellectual and academic itinerary he made contact with intellectual and political figures from other latitudes. Dedicated to his academic activities in Argentina, these allowed him to make numerous trips to the rest of Latin America, Europe and the United States where he met personalities of the French action at that time, of carlism, of neo fascism, among other expressions belonging to the radical right. At the sociability and certain common ideas levels, his case illustrates a particular form in the process of internationalization of the right-wing. Also on the limits to this process.