GODINO Maria Andrea Del Milagro
congresos y reuniones científicas
Prenatal context affects the vasopressinergic responses in the offspring
Congreso; 12th World Congress on Neurohypophysial Hormones; 2017
Title of speak: Prenatal context affects the vassopresinergic responses in the offspringDuring sensitive periods of ontogeny, certain pre/ posnatal stimuli can "model" or induce differential "programming" effects on several homeostatic systems developing changes in their response, even in the long term and in the absence of the "programmer" stimulus. Thus, perinatal programming increases the adaptive capacity of the individual to develop neuroadaptive changes in response to the environmental conditions present during that stage. However, if these environmental conditions change (eg nutrient scarcity) when the individual has already been developed (stage during which their adaptive possibilities have decreased), may find that they begin to be harmful in the new environment, resulting in adverse health effects as obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, among others. In turn, in certain conditions of perinatal manipulation (PM) it has also been described alterations in the ?de novo? synthesis and in the pattern of plasma vasopressin (AVP) release, demonstrating the programmers? effects of different models of PM on neuroendocrine systems, such as the vasopressinergic system.Our results showed two models of PM: -the "ad libitum" access of a hypertonic NaCl solution (along with water and food) during pregnancy and lactation, and a - binge like prenatal ethanol exposure to moderate doses (a pattern of drinking more frequent in the pregnant population). In these models of PM we observed changes in the AVP expression and the activity of vasopressinergic neurons at hypotalamic level. These animals also show a different pattern or alterations in the way to achieve their sodium and water balance. In summary, the current results provide insight that the central vasopressinergic system is able to have neuroplastic responses in order to adapt to a new context and maintain the ?milieu intérieur?.