AIGO Juana Del Carmen
congresos y reuniones científicas
Fishes of the Anthropocene: relationships between people and trout in Patagonia.
Ciudad del Cabo
Workshop; Workshop internacional en University Cape Town; 2023
Institución organizadora:
Universidad de Cape Town
This article is part of the collaborative work between a Mapuche biologist and anthropologists. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the understanding of how Mapuche people construct realities through practices with trout within their life plans. The study investigates the human-trout relations among several Mapuche communities in the province of Neuquén, Argentina. The findings highlight the significance of involving historically excluded communities, such as the Mapuche, in decision-making processes related to environmental issues. The article emphasizes the plural geography of the region and argues that to understand the complex relationships of the Mapuche with trout, it is essential to highlight the plurality of relationships in the Wallmapu/Patagonia region. The research also identifies barriers faced by the Mapuche, including conflicts over territorial rights and access to rivers, and challenges with the national licensing system for fishing guides. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary and intercultural studies in understanding the socio-ecological and cultural risks and benefits associated with species introductions. It also highlights the need for a new and non-hierarchical language to address environmental problems and foster intercultural public policies that consider the complex interconnectedness of human and non-human lives.