GROSS Martin Sebastian
congresos y reuniones científicas
1 - Effect of thermodynamic parameters on residue curves.
Buenos Aires
Congreso; 11th World Congress of Chemical Engineering; 2023
Institución organizadora:
Conventional distillation columns cannot separate mixtures with azeotropes. Alternatives to 'break' the azeotrope are those methods/operations that are based on the formation of heterogeneous ternary azeotropes between a given solvent and the original components of the feed. When a third component is added to a binary mixture, a ternary mixture results, and phase equilibrium needs to be considered for this new mixture. As well as predicting the ranges of possible compositions, that could be obtained in the column by head and bottom. Triangular diagrams are very useful for the description of equilibrium in this kind of system. Residue curves are an elementary tool to assess whether the desired products can be obtained from a given feed. A residue curve represents the liquid composition along time of a single-stage batch distillation. Different residuals lines result from different starting compositions. Such set of lines make up what is known as residual curves map. Before confectioning this diagram, it is necessary to analyze the thermodynamic feasibility of carrying the process.The development of these types of diagrams makes students to understand about the operation and prediction of an azeotropic distillation equipment. In addition, it contributes to the integration of the contents seen in previous subjects, about the thermodynamic models that simulate the equilibrium of phases and the management of ternary systems. And it is possible to promote the use of process simulators in university environments. Regarding its implementation, satisfactory results were achieved. Students were participatory and enthusiastic about the implementation of this new tool and the innovative use of the simulation.