GARCIA beatriz Elena
congresos y reuniones científicas
Multimodal analysis of astrophysical data
San Juan
Congreso; Reunión Anual de la AAA; 2023
Data analysis and communication of results in astronomy are generally done visually. It is common to find statistical graphs, curves with cartesian axes such as light curves of variable stars, radial velocity curves,spectra of stars or galaxies, and images in different ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. On the other hand, astronomy is also one of the sciences that most promotes inclusion through numerous projects that produce accessible material for outreach, and, in recent years, there has been great growth in sonification programs that allow data to be translated into sound. Taking into account the above, during J. Casado’s doctoral thesis, the access and exploration of astrophysical data through sound was investigated, to enable people with disabilities to work in science. The software sonoUno was developed within this framework, as open access, multi-platform, and with a user-centered design from the beginning. This work will describe the challenges presented by the construction of this tool and examples of use, by professional astronomers and science students, in a multi-sensoryapproach to the study of nature.