ZWICK Analia Elizabeth
congresos y reuniones científicas
The second quantum revolution: exploring new technologies & career insights
Seminario; Clesio College Seminar, Trento University; 2023
Institución organizadora:
Trento University
What are quantum technologies? Indeed, we are surrounded by technologies that are products of knowledge derived from quantum physics! Did you know? Do you know what they are? So, what do we refer to with these new “quantum technologies” that promise to revolutionize our world? Let's delve into the fundamental concepts of this exciting world, exploring how the encoding and manipulation of information at the atomic level are paving the way for revolutionary applications, spanning from computing and quantum encryption to quantum sensors with applications in biomedicine.Moreover, I'll share my journey from being a student to becoming a scientist. I'll be here to answer any questions you might have about making choices that shape our professional lives. Your inquiries about career decisions are welcome, and I'm excited to provide insights and guidance based on my experiences.