congresos y reuniones científicas
The Unionization of the ?Popular Economy? Workers: Reflections and Challenges from the Argentinean Case
Congreso; IV ISA Forum of Sociology, Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality; 2021
Institución organizadora:
Non-salaried workers in Argentina - as in other countries of the region - have traditionally been conceived as ?poor?, ?informal?, ?unemployable?, ?marginal? or ?excluded?. In recent years, various social and trade union organizations have sought to resignify these senses by orienting their demands towards the recognition of the status of workers of those who belong to the "popular economy" as well as the union status of their representative organizations. Their main horizons of struggle are guided towards access to rights and protections for these workers (seeking to equal those perceived by formal salaried workers) as well as the implementation of specific policies in order to improve their working and  living conditions. In the last decade, through social mobilization and diverse forms of collective actions, these organizations managed to gain visibility, be included in the public agenda, begin a process of institutionalization of their demands and get access to a set of resources that allowed strengthening their organizational processes. Some of the main questions that arise from this experience are: what characteristics does the union representation acquire in the popular economy? Which are their main representation  strategies? What differentiates these organizations from traditional unions? What intersection points can be built between them? What lessons does Argentina's experience leave us to build possible action frameworks in the organization of non-salaried workers?This paper aims to bring answers to these questions from the analysis of two emblematic cases: the Confederation of Workers of the Popular Economy (CTEP) -emerged in 2011 from the confluence of different popular and social movements - and the Brick Workers Union of the Argentine Republic (UOLRA) -union confederated in the CGT that since 2013 has incorporated the popular economy into its representation strategies-.