ESCUDERO Carlos Gabriel
congresos y reuniones científicas
Early-type dwarf galaxies in low-density environments: the case of CGCG014-074
Congreso; Friends of Friends Hybrid Meeting; 2022
Institución organizadora:
Observatorio de Córdoba
Early-type dwarf galaxies (dE, dS0) are the most common galaxy type in nearby galaxy clusters and groups. According to the hierarchical theory of formation and evolution of the large scale structures in the Universe, dwarf galaxies would be the building blocks of those bright galaxies we observe today. In particular, the formation scenarios for dE and dS0 focus mainly on the transformation of late-type to early-type galaxies through different processes (e.g., interactions, mergers), including environmental effects in high-density environments (e.g., ram-pressure stripping, harassment, suffocation). However, it is not yet clear whether these processes would be relevant in low-density environments such as poor groups and the field. In this sense, analyzing the morphology of dwarf galaxies turns out to be one of the fundamental elements to understand their underlying dynamics as well as their assembly histories. In this work, we present a photometric study of the dS0 galaxy CGCG014-074 that forms a small group with NGC 4546, an S0 galaxy located in a low-density environment. The analysis presented here shows the first results obtained on the dS0 galaxy, using deep Gemini-GMOS images in the filters g´r´i´z´, we characterize the photometric properties of the dwarf galaxy by determining its isophotal parameters, surface brightness profiles, colour gradients, and different structural components. This initial analysis allows us to inquire about its evolutionary past, giving us an idea if its current morphology could be due to internal galaxy properties and/or environmental mechanisms (nature or nurture).