DURAN Flavia Graciela Del Carmen
congresos y reuniones científicas
Catalizador monolítico LaCo0,75Fe0,25O3 usado en la combustión de clorobenceno
Buenos Aires
Congreso; WCCE11 - 11th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, XXX Congreso Interamericano de Ingeniería Química, CAIQ2023 - XI Congreso Argentino de Ingeniería Química, CIBIQ- 2do Congreso IberoAmericano de Ingeniería Química; 2023
Institución organizadora:
WCCE11 - 11th World Congress of Chemical Engineering
A LaCo0,75Fe0,25O3 perovskite catalyst was synthetized by the citrate method and characterized by X ray diffraction (XRD), Temperature programmed reduction (TPR), Specific surface area (SBET) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The sample was deposited on cordierite monoliths by the washcoating method, thus it was milled to reduce the particle size in order to prepare stable suspensions. Only four minutes were necessary to reduce the particles size which was evidenced also with a no further variation in the SBET. Previously, a colloidal alumina (Nyacol® 20%) was used as a primer of cordierite monoliths in order to favor a good adherence with the catalysts particles. One or two immersions of monoliths in the catalyst suspension were made to analyze the effect of catalyst content on the catalytic stability. All samples were submitted to an adherence test and were evaluated in the catalytic combustion of chlorobenzene. Monoliths with a single immersion presented a weight loss lower than 20%, while a second immersion produced weight losses of almost 30%. SEM images showed an homogeneous distribution of catalyst particles without the presence of agglomerates and no accumulation of particles in the corner of the monolith channels were found with both catalysts. Both monolithic catalysts presented a good catalytic activity, where only CO2, H2O and Cl2 were obtained with no formation of another intermediate’s compounds. The monolith with a single inmersion presented a better catalytic activity (T50=248 C and T90=412C) demonstrating that only a slim layer of catalysts is necessary to totally convert the chlorobenzene with excellent adherence characteristics. A stability catalytic test was made with this monolith showing an excellent stability for 200 h on time on stream, maintaining a 100% of chlorobenzene conversion with no formation of intermediates. These results demonstrate the promising industrial scale application of the perovskite monolithic catalyst synthetized in this work.