MEO Analia Ines
congresos y reuniones científicas
Bourdieu, social class and the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in one ethnographic research in two schools in the City of Buenos Aires.
Brnó, República Checa
Workshop; International Workshop: What counts in educational research? Quantitative and qualitative explanations of educational inequalities; 2007
Institución organizadora:
European Consortium of Sociological Research
In this paper I reflect on the ways in which I have combined the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in my ethnographic research in two secondary schools of the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina). I argue that the use of these methods was part of an organic process led by my research questions and my theoretical approach. Against perspectives that interpret quantitative and qualitative analysis as antagonistic technical and/or epistemological approaches, I argue that in my research I needed to use both perspectives (although with a clear qualitative emphasis) to produce data about different analytic dimensions of social reality.