FORNI Pablo Floreal
congresos y reuniones científicas
Researching and Teaching religious topics in a secularized academic environment
Conferencia; How to Teach Religion in Christian Universities or Colleges?; 2022
Institución organizadora:
Institute for the Study or Religion - Sogang University
The purpose of this presentation is to offer a reflection on the teaching and research on religious issues in both Christian and non-confessional universities in Argentina. To this end, it first includes a brief historical review of the teaching of theology and religious studies in Argentine universities from the colony to the establishment of the first confessional universities in the middle of the last century. Secondly, the gradual development of chairs and courses in theology and sociology of religion to this day is considered. Thirdly, there are some limitations on teaching religious subjects in Catholic universities. Religious studies are almost nonexistent in contemporary catholic universities. Fourth, a reflection is made about my personal experience as a professor and researcher of religious issues in contemporary society in the social sciences and humanities. Secularism, combined in occasions with prejudices, makes religion “invisible” or well underestimates its role in society, politics and culture. Finally, we reflect on the relevance of the teaching of religious studies in our days.