MONJEAU Jorge Adrian
congresos y reuniones científicas
Bridging the gap between science and policy to jointly prioritize biodiversity, carbón stocks and ecosystem services in Argentina.
New York
Conferencia; Sustainable Development Summit; 2020
Institución organizadora:
United Nations
Sustainable development is at a crossroads. Trade-offs between food productionand nature conservation are disputed across physical, political, and financialpriorities most typically on national scales. Here we apply a global modellingapproach to detailed and high-resolution national data for Argentina aiming todelineate potential priority areas for nature conservation serving a set of multiplegoals. We find that managing 30% of optimally selected land area forconservation, could be sufficient to achieve conservation targets for currentlythreatened species, while safeguarding over 80% of vulnerable carbon stocks andrealised clean water provision with a trade-off of 2.1% loss in croplands.Minimizing the overlap with cropland areas would soften the trade-off withminimal reductions in conservation outcome, which suggest that this approachcould be adopted for resolving trade-offs between competing objectives in landuse planning.