DANTUR JURI maria julia
congresos y reuniones científicas
Surveillance and control of Anopheles vectors before and after Malaria elimination in Argentina
Addis Ababa
Simposio; Keystone Symposia G1 The Malaria Endgame: Innovation in Therapeutics, Vector Control and Public Health Tools.; 2019
Institución organizadora:
Keystone Symposia
Malaria is a parasitic disease widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. The emergence of malaria cases is determined by multiple factors that contribute to the presence and abundance of Anopheles vectors and, therefore, the transmission of the disease. Since 2011, Argentina has been included in the Pre-elimination phase by the World Health Organization. This year the country was certified as free of Malaria, both vector surveillance and its control and case management interventions playing an important role in maintaining this status. Malaria cases in Argentina were found to be caused by Plasmodium vivax parasite, and the presence of Anopheles pseudopunctipennis in the Northwest region and Anopheles darlingi in the Northeast area of the country. Until now, there are no reports of resistance against insecticides by the vectors species. A complex situation at the border with Bolivia is currently reported. The presence of An. pseudopunctipennis, the malaria cases and migration of the population from one side to the other side of the border requires an active surveillance. To avoid the importation cases and maintain zero autochthonous malaria transmission, well-planned malaria intervention strategies are necessary. This research reports insights into the past and present malaria control and elimination efforts that may result in useful information for the national programme conducted by the Ministry of Health.