congresos y reuniones científicas
Phenotypic and functional characterization of peripheral T cell populations from COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Hospital Privado Universitario Córdoba-Argentina.
ONOFRIO, L.; .....; IRIBARREN, P.; ......
Congreso; Reunión de Sociedades de Biociencias (SAI, SAIC, AAFE, NANOMED-AR); 2021
disease. T cells could contribute to these different outcomes, butit remains unclear whether T cell response is dysfunctional or excessive.Here, we evaluated the phenotypic and functional featuresof circulating T cells from a cohort of 40 COVID-19 patients (Cpts)with moderate (MOD) and severe (SEV) clinical disease (aged 21-80 years) and 14 aged matched healthy controls (HC) by FACS. AllCpts exhibited a reduced frequency of CD3+T and Tregs cells compareto HC (p< 0.05). When exhaustion was evaluated, SEV Cptsshowed higher % of PD-1+ and CD39+ in T conv cells (p