RUBINZAL Mariela Alejandra
capítulos de libros
Womens Work in the Nationalist Lexicon in Argentina, 1930-1943
Women of the right: comparisons and exchanges across national borders
Pennsylvania State University Press
Lugar: Pennsylvania ; Año: 2012; p. 226 - 241
Este texto recorre las representaciones sobre las mujeres trabajadoras que las derechas construyeron y difundieron en la Argentina de entreguerras; y se enmarca en el trabajo realizado para mi tesis doctoral. Las fuentes que se utilizaron fueron variadas e incluyeron: a)novelas de escritores nacionalistas y católicos; b) periódicos nacionalistas y católicos en los cuales las voces de las mujeres trabajadoras se expresaban ocasionalmente a través de las cartas de lectores y c) memorias de intelectuales y militantes que adherían al nacionalismo. Abstrac: The importance of working in the urban labor market is indisputable in the context of development of industrialization in Argentina. They with children were a particularly weak sector of the production system, employed in factories and workshops. This situation led to different types of response in society and a certainty: the State should intervene to protect them. Traditionalist and the Argentine nationalists thought that the danger posed to women workers had two faces. On the one hand, economic exploitation, which were subjected destroy the health of women and would leave households without maternal care. On the other hand, the advance of leftist forces in the world of work, especially since the mid-thirties, invade the homes of the popular if they could attract women. Catholic nationalists projected reforms in labor and attempted to organize in unions for women. Right-wing nationalists and Catholics share this objective social discourses and practices using similar non-exempt dilemmas and contradictions.