OVIEDO Oscar Alejandro
capítulos de libros
Underpotential Deposition: A Successful Misnomer?
Underpotential Deposition From Fundamentals and Theory to Applications at the Nanoscale
Springer Cham Heidelberg
Año: 2016; p. 1 - 13
Within electrochemical surface processes, the deposition of a metal onto a foreign metal surface at underpotential opens the way to a whole universe of possibilities for preparing and designing surfaces with a variety of applications. Among them, we can mention electrocatalysis, production of compound semiconductors, determination of metal traces by stripping voltammetry, achieving mercury-free electroanalytical procedures, design of biosensors, surface area measurement of metals, of particular importance for metallic nanoporous materials, design of nanoparticle shape and composition, fabrication of nanowires, nanotripods, microstructures with improved Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) activity, evaluation of overpotential deposition kinetics of reactive metals, etc. The previous enumeration is by no means mutually exclusive, since for example nanoparticle synthesis is oriented to catalysis, and we emphasize that we have just mentioned some sample reviews or recent work. A detailed literature overview is given at the end of the book.Since upd involves the growth of a new phase in a two dimensional system, we will see along this chapters, this phenomenon is by itself of fundamental importance for understanding a number of related processes involved in the formation of new phases with this dimensionality.Aclaración El Editor es el Profesor Fritz Scholz de la University of Greifswald, en Alemania. Por razones que no entiendo no puedo buscar esa universidad.