FERNANDEZ Liliana Patricia
capítulos de libros
Tabaquism: From laboratory to society
Smoking: Health Effects, Psychological Aspects and Cessation
Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Año: 2011; p. 35 - 58
Tabaquism has been considered an epidemic at world level. Nowadays, one of each three smokers dies because of this addiction. Moreover the beginning age is around 12 and 13 years old, smoking the same quantity than an adult. Taking into account that teenagers represent one of main risk groups in this addiction, from the Project ?Tabaquism: S.O.S. teenagers?, in high schools of San Luis (Argentine), they are been realizing tabaquism prevention workshops, emphasising its risk in health.These activities are derived of a doctoral thesis work, developing analytical methodologies for nickel and cadmium determination in biological fluids belonging of subjects with different addiction level to tobacco. Obtained experimental results are efficacious tool for creating consciousness in these mentioned workshop activities. The present chapter includes: -                    State of situation of tabaquism addiction in teenagers of San Luis, arising from anonymous inquiries conducted at more of 1,000 youths at beginning of workshop activities. -                    The developed analytical methodologies for cadmium and nickel determination in saliva and urine of smokers, second hand smokers and non-smokers. -                    Characterization of twenty commercial cigarettes brands available in San Luis, respect to nickel contents. Proposed methodologies represent a promising approach in the area of environmental monitoring with low operation cost employing non-polluting solvents representing an alternative to the metals analysis routine methods, with the advantage of using simple instrumental available in control laboratories. Attending to high metal concentration in biological fluids associated to tobacco addiction and the subsequent risks on health, efforts should be made by the control agencies and health agents at discourage the consumption of cigarettes and the generation of environment 100% free tobacco smoke.