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Olive oil phenolics and oxidative stress
Olive Oil Consumption and Health
Nova Science Publisher
Año: 2012; p. 1 - 48
Olive oil, which has been part of the human diet for more than 5000 years, is almost unique among oils in that it can be consumed in the crude form without refining. This has the effect of conserving all its vitamins, essential fatty acids, and other nutrients. In addition to the fatty acid profile of olive oil, which is high in the monounsaturated oleic acid and appears to be beneficial in reducing several risk factors for coronary heart disease and certain cancers, extra virgin olive oil contains powerful antioxidants. In this connection, the incidence of degenerative pathologies, including those in which the excessive free radical formation has been suggested, is very low in the Mediterranean area, where the diet is rich in antioxidant compounds. Among such antioxidants, the contribution of olive oil phenolics is currently under active investigation, since they affords considerable protection against cancer (colon, breast, and skin), coronary heart disease, and ageing by inhibiting oxidative stress. This chapter focuses on antioxidant role and additional biological actions of olive oil phenolics.