FARINA Silvia Beatriz
capítulos de libros
Development of an integrated sensor to monitor the corrosion process of reinforced concrete structures
Integral Service Life Modelling of Concrete Structures
Rilem Publications
Lugar: Bagneux-France; Año: 2007; p. 166 - 174
  There is a need for permanently embedded corrosion monitoring devices to monitor the state of a reinforced concrete structure from the corrosion point of view in order to proceed with the repair or rehabilitation of the structure when necessary. Numerous devices are available to follow the corrosion process, based on several techniques that indicates the specialist what happens inside the structure, namely, how much damage there is on a structure now and how rapidly the damage is growing with time. In this work, the development of an integrated sensor system based on the measurements of temperature inside the structure, the corrosion potential of rebars, the corrosion current density of rebars, the electrical resistivity of concrete, the availability of oxygen and the chloride ions concentration in concrete is presented.  A metal-metal oxide reference electrode was selected as a reference electrode and its electrochemical behaviour was studied in simulated concrete pore solutions as well as embedded in mortar specimens.  Besides, the technique to make an specific chloride electrode was also addressed.  The integrated system consists of sensors embedded in concrete and a software that acquires and analyses the data.  The results obtained so far show the capabilities of those sensors to determine the corrosion state of a concrete structure. There is a need for permanently embedded corrosion monitoring devices to monitor the state of a reinforced concrete structure from the corrosion point of view in order to proceed with the repair or rehabilitation of the structure when necessary. Numerous devices are available to follow the corrosion process, based on several techniques that indicates the specialist what happens inside the structure, namely, how much damage there is on a structure now and how rapidly the damage is growing with time. In this work, the development of an integrated sensor system based on the measurements of temperature inside the structure, the corrosion potential of rebars, the corrosion current density of rebars, the electrical resistivity of concrete, the availability of oxygen and the chloride ions concentration in concrete is presented.  A metal-metal oxide reference electrode was selected as a reference electrode and its electrochemical behaviour was studied in simulated concrete pore solutions as well as embedded in mortar specimens.  Besides, the technique to make an specific chloride electrode was also addressed.  The integrated system consists of sensors embedded in concrete and a software that acquires and analyses the data.  The results obtained so far show the capabilities of those sensors to determine the corrosion state of a concrete structure.