PERANOVICH Andres Conrado
capítulos de libros
Health and aging in Argentina and Brazil: prospects for early XXI century
Health and Vulnerability in Latin America
Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de México
Lugar: México D.F.; Año: 2012;
Health and aging in Argentina and Brazil: prospects for early XXI century Andrés C. Peranovich Introduction The aging process has a significant impact on several characteristics that influence the normal functioning of societies and the relative welfare of not only the elderly but also younger generations. Of these features, the most important are the pension and retirement systems, intergenerational transfers within families and the health status and health conditions of the elderly. Of these the most influential is no doubt the health and sanitary conditions. The growth of the elderly population will lead to increased demand for health care and services, as well as a sharp increase in the costs of health care, as evidenced by the case of the countries of Western Europe. Besides, the aging process, if not addressed properly, will greatly increase the inequality of the quality of life and welfare of members of different groups in our societies. To understand the nature and magnitude of health problems and issues relevant to the policies to be implemented in the future, it is necessary to assess the health status of those who are now elderly and those who will be in the near future.