GARGIULO maria teresa
capítulos de libros
Epistemic competencies of philosophy in therapeutic praxis. An analysis from Pedro Laín Entralgo's” work
Psychiatry and Neurosciences Update. Addiction. From Laboratory and Anthropology to Clinical Practice
Springer Nature
Año: 2023; p. 53 - 60
The objective of this study is to analyse how Pedro Laín Entralgo conceives the epistemic competences of philosophy both in the field of a comprehensive theory of disease and of the sick man and its natural projection in the field of medical practice. Certainly, the question might seem lacking in novelty and meaning. Above all, since the death of the Spanish doctor, what we now recognize as the philosophy of medicine has grown exponentially and has diversified into various areas and specialities. Indeed there are multiple and essential influences that philosophy has on the ontological assumptions of medicine, on the analysis of its epistemic validity or on the ethical issues that affect its very exercise. However, the question about whether philosophical inquiry directly affects human health and disease remains valid. We will try to outline a possible answer to this question, based on the writings of Laín Entralgo. By way of hypothesis, we state that his medical anthropology invites philosophy to intervene directly in the healing process itself; in the real and existential process of the patient. In the first place, we will develop a brief historical contextualization of the question regarding the epistemic status of medical practice. This study will allow us to access, from the very writings of the Spanish doctor, to the epistemic foundation that legitimizes the intervention of philosophical inquiry in medical care. Secondly, we will outline a brief characterization of this practice or philosophical care of the patient.